Print Women's Day - Girl Gang

Printa Nőnap - Girl Gang

International Women's Day inspires and sensitizes us every year, as the country celebrates women as one people.

Recently, there has been an even greater need for female solidarity and female friendships. A trying period is behind us, and who knows what awaits us this year. Grandmothers, sisters, mothers, female colleagues and female partners were of great help to us.

While browsing through the endless Fortepan collection, Zita came across pictures of different girl groups. These pictures told about female friendship, mutual support and strengthening. One of the oldest photos, from 1900, captured her so much that the image was put on T-shirts and bags with the inscription Girl Gang (source: Fortepan/Leonóra Mészöly, Looking at the three characterful and stylish figures, you can imagine yourself in their story. I wonder what it was like to be a woman in 1900 in Budapest? The woman in the middle is the leading figure, a defiant and strong personality, the lady on the right radiates elegance, while the lady on the left is withdrawn, cautious and thoughtful. They are our great-grandmothers, we can thank them for what we are today.

In line with this, Zita thought about how female relationships had and still have an impact on the development of Printa.

"Who are the members of the Printa Girl Gang? Printa has always been strengthened by female energies (respect to our dear male colleagues). Right from the beginning, we designed the whole thing together with Claudia Martins. We met Claudia during childbirth, which can be said to be quite a stimulating event for women. But in the following years, many women strengthened our girl gang, we fought for one goal, more sustainable fashion and design. We worked, we created, then we parted ways, while we learned a lot from each other. Wonderful clothes, products and graphics have been created over the years, and this is still the case.

I would like to single out a couple of gang members who helped Printa with their special vision and knowledge during the recent, difficult times, and therefore earned their place in the Printa girl gang.

We met Judit Sipos at the right time, in the spring of 2019, the spark was immediately there and we complement each other perfectly. He has all the knowledge and skills that I completely lack, and he has been infused with environmentally friendly and conscious collection design and life. Working together turned into friendship, you couldn't ask for a better girl gang member.

Every meeting with Krisztina Maróy , the editor-in-chief of Glamour, is very inspiring, I learned a lot from her. In 2020, our Glamor x Printa x Szalai Mimi collection, created together with her, stole into your hearts, you loved the light drawings and their message, which was about environmental awareness and women's unity.

I can say that Eszter Mengyán is the oldest Printa girl gang member, since we know each other from the days before Printa. He has always supported the brand with his journalistic and editorial activities, even before there was any collaboration. In 2016, she decided to focus her work on the promotion of sustainable fashion, since then she has done a lot to promote sustainable fashion and formed the opinion of many of our female colleagues. I could not imagine our cooperation with a more reliable person.

Brigi Munkácsi is not only a zero waste warrior and blogger, but also a beautiful model, so that in 2020 she modeled in Printa clothes for 2 collections, I really like our work together. I already consider it a Printa face :)"

We sincerely thank all our female partners for supporting us, some with their work, some with their purchases. It would be impossible without you.

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